Archives for the month of: July, 2013

This morning after dropping Malu to school I was headed for the office….when suddenly I saw this little thing dash out onto the road and narrowly miss an I20.

It was puppy probably 3-4 weeks old and nice and healthy who had gotten confused and wandered onto the road and was running scared avoiding one car after another.

In a matter of seconds, I just stopped the car right there and ran towards the puppy dodging vehicles as I ran towards it….

I only realised what had happened once I had the puppy back to safety and was back in the car driving again…

It then struck me that this was one of my WOW moments and actually makes you feel like a ‘Hero’ …….

Mirika Rayaprolu & Malvika Rayaprolu …your old man just made you proud!!! And now I feel all nice and warm and cozy on the inside….guess thats what good deeds do to you ;o))

There are days which are just not meant for working! In Hyderabad today is one of them….

It has been raining here since yesterday and unlike in Mumbai where it pours when it rains, here it is just a steady sprinkle….it gets cold and you want to cuddle up in a cozy corner with a nice book and a hot cup of coffee ( or Mad Monk ! )….

I took the scenice route to office today and on Necklace Road everything looked so green and freshly washed…..Hussainsagar is brimming and is probably overflowing into the Musi river as I pen this….

After rounding Indira Gandhi circle as I was approaching The Secreteriat on the left I saw a majestic sight of a large group of Kayakers ( from the Yacht Club ) escorted by two speed boats as they were cutting through the still water of the lake at pace…I just had to stop the car and get down to get a better look….

As I stood there under the steady sprinkle and watched them go past with ‘ The 100 foot Buddha’ standing in the background on his pedestal in the middle of the lake, I could not help but wonder this has to be the perfect day…water the life giver…energy all round … freshness that only rain can bring….and air that was scented with all the different blooms around…could anything be more uplifting than this??

I realised right then, why Necklace Road is one of my favourite place in the world….