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In Grapevine just off TX 121 is Founders Plaza. The plaza is an observation gallery on the North East End of the runways and has a special tug to all avgeeks…

Obviously it is the close proximity to the modern miracles called Aircraft , but there is something else.

The Observatory is a memorial, a place of celebration and a place of freedom.

The Memorial

The Foundation Stone

The Founders plaza Foundation stone .

The Foundation stone. Notice the awning right behind for plane spotters / picnickers to settle down for a session of plane spotting

Directly to the front of the Foundation stone is a sculpture that is the personification of freedom.

To the left of the Foundation Stone is the Braniff International Plaque.

The Hero’s Fountain

The Foundation is directly opposite the foundation stone and behind the sculpture. It’s in a centre circle …cars drive around teh circle and park.

The broader scene

The place always has space for plane lovers…except in July 2022 when British Airways relaunched it’s A380 operation from LHR to DFW…that afternoon over 2000 plane spotters descended on the place. It was a regular traffic jam!

Views of aircraft landing from both North & South.

A Qatar Airways A350 on short finals …the North End
A British Airways A380 just landed from the South end and taxiing towards Terminal D
The UPS Hangers right next to the AA Hangers just off Founders Plaza

With so much inspiration around, makes you wonder how many young avgeeks / airline personnel were inspired to take up the job by this very spot?

The spot begs plane lovers to keep visiting…

An Oasis of Tranquility….


Living in the shadow of one of the busiest airports in the World, the sky above us is always full of aircraft either on short finals or taking off from DFW Airport. 

I am suddenly struck by what I have been seeing, all the aircraft almost without fail are twin engined ops and most have been around for decades

A comparison of the largest selling airliners..yes the 747 is not on it!

The above table clearly conveys most of the aircraft flying today are actually 40 year old airframe designs with improvements made in the direction of efficiency.

Wing Design

The biggest enemy of an aircraft is drag. Traditional wing design has always caused a lot of turbulence at the wing tips. There has been considerable time money and energy spent to improve existing wing performance with all new wings that incorporate the winglet / sharklet.

Winglet types flying today

*image credit AME Question Paper via Google

Another area of tremendous improvement is the engines. What were previously noisy and smoky affairs are now almost quiet and smokeless. Almost all civilian passenger aircraft today use high bypass engines.

A comparison of bypass engine types . High Bypass was invented in the mid 1960s

*image credit Wikipedia

The Race

From the early 1900s through to the 1980s it was an era of constantly breaking fresh ground. The image below shows the speed race over before 1980…set by the fabled Lockheed SR-71….Same goes for height.

The flight speed record progression…nothing new since the late 1970s

*image credit Wikipedia

The B747 ( The Queen of the Skies ) and the legendary Concorde both had their first flight within a month of each other in February ( B747 ) and March ( Concorde ) of 1969. These two aircraft represented two different approaches to way passengers fly. Both marvels ahead of their time and both endure as freighters or museum pieces.

A tale of two BA Queens…

*image credit Quora / Google / creator

The B747 has written it’s own fantastic story over 54 years and is continuing to fly among the global fleet today, it’s Concorde that was jinx from the beginning.

The Concorde

From the moment the development project was announced in 1962 the Concorde has been the centre of controversy. Whether it was it’s highly noisy and smoky Snecma Olympus Engines or it’s sonic boom.

From over 100 orders to the final 14 sold to just two operators ( British Airways & Air France ) the national airlines of the countries that supported their development ( UK & France ).

What should have been a singular triumph ( in some ways it still is ) became an elitist way of travel and was ultimately restricted to just the scheduled routes of London / Paris – New York ( v v ). When Concorde was finally de registered ( grounded ) in 2003 the average number of cycles on each Concorde was only around 5000 cycles. The number an average B747 hit in about 5-7 years.

Today  when we see them as museum pieces, we envision engineering at it’s best and can only imagine the Champagne based conversations on board.

Enter BOOM

BOOM’s big idea is to democratize Supersonic travel and towards that end they are engineering a completely new aircraft ( the basics don’t change )

Concorde / Overture comparison

The numbers speak a very familiar story. The big difference being weight. Advances in composite materials make the the Overture fast and at the same time very light. With 35 confirmed orders from United Airlines & American and multiple airlines showing interest. This might yet be the dawn of the second Supersonic age in passenger travel.

Points to mention

  • BOOM Symphony engines will use only SAF ( Sustainable Aviation Fuel )
  • The increased range gives it reach where Concorde missed out..also makes a case for even more increased range
  • The Tourism market is completely different now what it was in 2003 when Concorde retired and this can be a huge difference ( Ex : In 2000 there were only 470 billionaires in the World and today we have almost 2500 , this highlights the GDP growth and growing incomes globally to afford what could be the equivalent of a First Class ticket)
  • A clear focus on the environment across all parameters takes out all the opposition that Concorde had
  • With over 35 orders firmed up most of them from United and American maybe it’s the dawn of the Supersonic age on Commercial America Aviation

What we see is the world was not ready for Concorde and when the BOOM – Overture flies…will be welcomed with open arms!

The development of the Overture can spawn a completely fresh direction in passenger travel. This is why projects such as this are important.


You are fresh out of University and looking for a fresh role in Commercial…what do you do? When in doubt, always start with the Basics!

The P.E.S.T Analysis

In the absence of access to any historical data, this is always a great place to start. P.E.S.T is an acronym for Political / Economic / Social / Technology…every aspect of our lives is impacted by one of these four segments.


  • Political : Ukraine was a country that had a thriving Tourism Industry however the ongoing war has impacted the industry.
  • Economic : India as a country has a GDP growth of approx 6.1% this automatically will see a rise in air travel both corporate and leisure, and sale of smart phones
  • Social : The DFW Metroplex area has seen a population growth from 4,000,000 to 8,000,000 over the last thirty year, this will automatically take real estate values up and there should be plenty of teaching position available
  • Technology : The advent of Data usage has changed sales jobs from being pure sales to that of Business Development and a Data Analyst

From the above examples we can draw conclusions based on the Macro conditions of whatever it is you are trying to research

Organizational Research

Before you go into an interview ensure you know everything there is to know about the company on the internet. Excellent starting points:

  • The annual reports are excellent places to start for listed companies. Here you not only have a clear pictures of the company’s P & L but also their guidance over the next 18 to 24 months. This is excellent ammunition to have, especially when you are up against a panel and questions can come thick and fast
  • The S.W.O.T Analysis. This will give you a competitive understanding of the organization viz a viz competition, this in conjunction with the P.E.S.T Analysis & Annual Reports should give you a deep understanding of what to expect with the company ( growth wise )

You the Person

  • It is important you visualize yourself with the company as you do the above analysis. This way you have already imbibed a number of the qualities the company is looking for
  • Exhibit your knowledge to the interviewer…but be understated. The company needs you as much as you need it
  • Always be professionally attired ( even for phone interviews )

The Final Word

Job Searches can be long and arduous and be demotivating, it’s at times like this you show off your resilience and tenacity.

Best of Luck!

Airline start-Ups are amazing places…many people doing plenty at once! The adrenaline is high and the ‘ Cowboy Attitude ‘ keeps you going. The two combine together to create an addictive and extremely volatile atmosphere.

None of the realities are what the appear to be in theory!

Clear Business Plan – Topline

The idea germinates and takes root. What do we want to be? Who do we want to serve?What is our product? What is the gap /  niche we want to be in? When do we break even?

Vision is nothing but a dream with execution steps. Formulate well.

Clear Project Timeline

Understanding the critical path of the project from ideation to planning to execution to revenue generation is important. Each of the above steps has several aspects to it.

Material – In this case it’s aeroplanes and everything that makes them fly

Money – Ensuring the right amount of money is available at the right time

People – Have the right person at the right place at the right time in the right sequence

Data – Free bidirectional ,sacrosanct data flow with one source of the truth

The four aspects come together and form a Supply Chain! Airlines have multiple intertwined supply chains forming a complex logistical challenge. 

Commercial Execution

Simply means carrying passengers / cargo profitably in any unit of time measured.

A glossary:

Network Planning – The designing and creation of an airline schedule that optimizes aircraft utilization to maximize profitability & business forecasting

Revenue management – The application of disciplined analysis to forecast consumer behavior

Marketing – The process of communicating with the end user using multiple touch points

Distribution – The process of reaching and amortizing your end users

Sales Team – The foot soldiers on the ground carrying the airline’s good word out ( evangelize )

The five principal’s of Commercial work together in unison to deliver the airline’s revenue goals.

Final Word

The devil is always in the detail. ‘ Cash is your oxygen ‘. The key to success is Discipline, Consistency & Playing the Gaps.

Disclaimer : This is only a short note from a Commercial View point and by no means complete. Feel free to add….

Vijayawada Airport 2013 August

Our ‘Nanna’ passed onto an enlightened plane on July 01st ….

But why a Jedi warrior?

A Jedi seeks knowledge and enlightenment through discipline and consistency.

My earliest memory of my Father is reading out to me from a book called ‘ Aircraft Aircraft’ …I was all of 6 months old…..too young to know my Dad was programming me toward a lifelong love of airplanes and anything aerospace.


Back in the late 60s early 70s when finding good publications to gather knowledge was difficult…Our Dad always had the latest Time Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Discover among a multitude of publications considered benchmarks even today. His logic was knowledge is power and he always worked towards empowering himself to knowledge. We had not one but two sets of encyclopedias at home ( Britanica / Funk & Wagnals )…was the original Google.


Every morning up at 0600hrs and coffee at 0615hrs…come rain or shine. Nanna was the first person in our life to sometimes trick us into getting up early. During the summer holidays as we slept…Nanna would step outside I-6 Dattaguru Society and shout ‘ Babblu …Thambi ‘…and we would promptly jump out of bed thinking our friends were calling out to us…and He would be outside grinning ear to ear! Took great pride in all the ways He tricked us…..


Nanna would consistently beat us at Chess / Othello and pretty much every other board game there was. How did he do that? Nanna firmly believed in the 10,000 hour rule way before it came into style. He called it rote / mensuration / practice. Once he chose to excel at something he would go after it until consistency won over any other short comings. He excelled at the Mouth Organ / learned how to play key boards ( his first keyboard was the Casio VL-Tone )at the age of seventy and was constantly on the search for fresh activities to master!

An early adopter of Computers…our first computer was the Sinclair ZX Spectrum+ ….he promptly set about teaching himself programming to get the Computer to his bidding! For – Next loops….If – Then loops…BASIC….COBOL…his pet computer was the Casio PB-110. His love for computers just kept on and on and on…Nanna loved his gadgets.


Nanna was always on the lookout to try and continuously improve his level of EQ. His attitude was there is so much to learn about people and behaviors. Nanna’s greatest quip was ‘ We have no control over anything except the way we react’ ….and it was difficult to catch him out of composure. Every experience a learning curve.

The First Chapter

In Jan of this year Nanna, a diabetes fighter over the last 43 years had yet another series of cardiac incidents. Nanna flat lined for almost 5 minutes . We had given up hope and as a Family decided to pull the ventilator….and where his pulse should have faded out…it came back strongly and Nanna was sitting in his ICU bed as though he had just got up from a good night’s rest….He ensured that KIMS Hospital kicked him out the very next day and He was happy to be home.

In hospital even without his voice he asked ‘ Did I fight like a Jedi Warrior?’

A joyfully teary me replied…’ You are our Obi Wan’

Rayaprolu Kodandarama Sarma

04 June 1940 – 01 July 2023

There was a time when a sales guy had to spend eighty percent of his time on field and twenty percent of his time in the office completing dreaded admin chores. But all that is changing and how!

So what is actually a sales job? Not so long ago, it involved cold calling your target market to generate leads and through them revenue numbers. While this Cowboy attitude looks very active on paper, was/is this actually the right way to go?

The internet has changed the manner in which organisations approach the marketplace. New fangled terms such as Supply Chains and Data have entered the public consciousness. But what are these? The fact is that Supply Chains…the movement of product, people, cash… have always existed. Data has always existed too…it’s the just manner in which we consume it has changed. A little explanation on this.

When Moses had the ten commandments on a stone slab…this was data! The same goes for the Rosetta Stone. The evolution of consuming data has changed slowly but surely over the milenia…manuscripts…paper ( aha! Books !! )….LPs…cassette tapes….CD’s…DVD’s…and then the new age OTT’s and of course Social Media. But what accelerated this glacial rate of change to that of rushing river rapids? One word technology.

As Moore’s Law took root and our computing power kept doubling every eighteen to twenty four months ( it’s even quicker now ), our ability to consume increasing amounts of data kept pace abreast…of course our ability to manage data in units we never heard of before has only abetted this progression. In the old days it was bytes..then MB…later GB & TB…progressed to petabytes…and now Exabytes( EB )! After Exabyte…what next? Zettabyte (ZB)…and so the progression continues….

But what has this progression got to do with a Sales Job? Well the typical old style sales job (remember the travelling salesman?) is all but extinct. This has now bifurcated into Business Development and the Data Scientist. 

Business Development now uses multiple tools ( most of them based on Big Data in addition to OLAP & OLTP ) to go into the marketplace in a targeted manner and Evangelize your organization’s product ( evnagelize not educate ) thereby creating a need where none existed. But what is Big Data? It’s the offline translation of Human Behavior in the online space…

Data Science is still in it’s infancy, but the changes have been startling and any job search on Linkedin will automatically show you the demand for jobs in this sphere of work. 

Having said that there is still no substitute for the good old Human Brain that understands this holistic picture…read Domain Experience….

Young entrants into the Commercial Marketplace will do well to understand this right off the bat…

Break A Leg

A wise old man or in the current politically correct climate’ person ‘, once said ‘ Break a Leg ‘. All these years I have just used these words as an equivalent to ‘ Best of Luck ‘, but now I know!

Breaking a leg is the Armageddon of fractures…..unless of course you go and break a back or something like that. The break is fine but the inactivity is what fractures your brain. You can only FB soooo much, you can only read so much, you can only watch so much TV.

The fracture becomes ‘ The Mother ‘ of all Armageddon’s when you are in the gap between one job and the next. So here I am keeping myself busy writing crap like this!

It basically means that once you break a leg….it can’t get any worse!

 The Cast Comes Off

So after four agonizingly slow weeks, the cast finally comes off. Einstein was right time is elastic and is interchangeable with speed! I thought it was the end…..but noooo it was the beginning. Weeks of inactivity make a chicken’s legs look nicer!

The Doctor says nope, you are not going to put any weight on the foot yet, and I go right back to inaction, albeit lighter for the castless leg!

The Rehab Begins

So far the experience consists of the following exclamations!

– Why do there need to be so many steps!

– That pebble in front looks like a giant boulder!!

– Why is the pavement here so uneven!!!

– When do I get to walk with a cane!!!!

– When the F@#K do I walk like a normal person!!!!!

– Why do I need to go to the six letter word called T.O.I.L.E.T !!!!!!

The trick is to set goals for yourself, so as to knock off milestones. One of the first one’s I set myself was that I would walk to the hair-cutting saloon in the neighbourhood myself.  This meant that by the time I finally got there I had a sizeable 10 week growth on the crown. You begin to feel like the Shaggy DA or Ivan Almighty!! Take your pick.

To get there, it took weeks of meticulous planning, almost like planning a NASA space launch.

– What is the best time of the day to get there ?

– What day of the week is best to get there ?

– What is the best path to get there ( read minimal obstacles )

When the haircut finally happened it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders!

The Voyage of discovery continues………now to find that three letter word called J.O.B !

01Oct14 0645hrs, Sanjivaiah Park, Necklace Road, Hyderabad

I was in the final rep of exercises when during the course of a full body stretch, I felt a sharp stab of pain and looked down to see my left knee cap displaced…….Jesus I cried out to myself as I yelled out load in pain, now you have gone and done it!

First Thoughts

This is not too bad, I thought as my companions straightened out the leg and the knee cap slid back smoothly into place. The pain now is a dull throb, but any effort to put weight on my left leg results in a sharp stab of pain. After getting my shoes off, it looks like my ankle’s twisted as well!

It still does not look too bad, as I am helped back to the car and I insist on taking the wheel instead of letting one of my friends drive me home! Talk about optimism!! Fifteen seconds later I am getting in the back of the car and am being driven home….

An hour later as the swelling in the ankle grows I realise a doctor is required.

She confirms that the ankle is broken and needs a plate and the knee needs a surgical brace!

The First Few Days

Behind the din of people constantly telling you, when are you going to act your 46 years, you need to get used to a few things when you are in plaster…

– The house becomes your own Parkour obstacle course to get around!

– Getting around the house is fun if you have a wheeled office chair !!

– The word toilet becomes a 6 letter word in the true 4 letter sense!!!

–  In case you are hyperactive and have a habit of spinning like a top, spin in your chair instead!!!!

– All your well-wishers take fiendish pleasure in seeing you use a 80 year old’s walker!!!!!

– Mind always rules over matter……no matter what….practice it !!!!! !

The Hospital

Have you ever wondered how hospitals have a habit of adding 30 other maladies / issues concerning your health when all you want is to resolve the issue of a broken ankle! All I want is a frikkin plate maan to get on with my life, why do I need a battery of tests that not only cost an arm and my good leg and take up the better part of a week.

The smell of antiseptic and the glaring white light are over-powering….

Note to self : In future use quacks instead !

The Surgery

So you check into the Hospital / Cage the night before and have your first taste of cold crappy hospital food. The rice too grainy, the chappati like cardboard and curries a dazzling array of culinary brilliance that I find even looking at them a crime….

At half past ten in the night a barber comes in and shaves my left left leg until the top of the existing cast. When I look down I get a surprise, with legs like these could easily have made a name on the catwalk!

Note to self : Next time make sure you make the right career choices.

The surgery itself is done with a local anesthetic and is uneventful.

The eventful part starts now, the anesthetic when it is given acts rapidly and in under 5 minutes I have no feeling waist down. This is an out of body experience as for the first time, the brain is sending out impulses your body is not obeying.

I need to pee, Jesus I am bursting…..brain is shooting out impulses thicker than anti aircraft fire…..bladder says get lost I am sleeping, am reminded of the asshole being the most important organ of the body joke!

And when the anesthetic wears off, it’s like the Bhakra Nagal Dam bursting. All this gurgles into the pisspot…..

The new cast is a lot smaller and lighter than the previous one, so now my left leg looks like a patch rug of hairy and non hairy parts!!

Seriously doctors need to be aesthetics as well…..shaving only one leg and then that too is an incomplete job…maybe all medicine courses should have a compulsory cosmetic course as well!!!

The Recovery Commences

While you have been working on keeping yourself busy…

0400hrs – Awake….and sitting up like a Poltergiest as you had no exercise the day before

The rest of the day is a mix staring at the ceiling and counting the flies or there and abouts, reading whatever trash comes your way, of course the 6 letter word is always around to lighten the day……

So far it has been fun!!

This morning after dropping Malu to school I was headed for the office….when suddenly I saw this little thing dash out onto the road and narrowly miss an I20.

It was puppy probably 3-4 weeks old and nice and healthy who had gotten confused and wandered onto the road and was running scared avoiding one car after another.

In a matter of seconds, I just stopped the car right there and ran towards the puppy dodging vehicles as I ran towards it….

I only realised what had happened once I had the puppy back to safety and was back in the car driving again…

It then struck me that this was one of my WOW moments and actually makes you feel like a ‘Hero’ …….

Mirika Rayaprolu & Malvika Rayaprolu …your old man just made you proud!!! And now I feel all nice and warm and cozy on the inside….guess thats what good deeds do to you ;o))

There are days which are just not meant for working! In Hyderabad today is one of them….

It has been raining here since yesterday and unlike in Mumbai where it pours when it rains, here it is just a steady sprinkle….it gets cold and you want to cuddle up in a cozy corner with a nice book and a hot cup of coffee ( or Mad Monk ! )….

I took the scenice route to office today and on Necklace Road everything looked so green and freshly washed…..Hussainsagar is brimming and is probably overflowing into the Musi river as I pen this….

After rounding Indira Gandhi circle as I was approaching The Secreteriat on the left I saw a majestic sight of a large group of Kayakers ( from the Yacht Club ) escorted by two speed boats as they were cutting through the still water of the lake at pace…I just had to stop the car and get down to get a better look….

As I stood there under the steady sprinkle and watched them go past with ‘ The 100 foot Buddha’ standing in the background on his pedestal in the middle of the lake, I could not help but wonder this has to be the perfect day…water the life giver…energy all round … freshness that only rain can bring….and air that was scented with all the different blooms around…could anything be more uplifting than this??

I realised right then, why Necklace Road is one of my favourite place in the world….